Free app introducing in-app purchase for some features

My app is published.

It is a paid app but at present time the price is 0, as a courtesy for early users. Days price was not 0 from the start, so now it is free because I changed the price some days after the publication.

I would like to charge for my app according to the freemium model, that is, the authoring/saving features are limited until the user performs the in-app purchase or subscribe (very low price).

I would like to know if it is possible now to do so, so that the reviewers accept the change.

I do not know if early users get the new version automatically so that they have to make the in-app purchase. I think so.

The price was set to 0 only as a temporary courtesy for them, but now they could be unwilling nonetheless.

What they have created will still work, they just cannot create new content.


EDIT: The user can create new content but there are some limitations, i.e. how many items can be created or something similar. Or a check could be done for those app installations made before a certain date to have full functionality, and only new installations are limited.

When changing business models in either direction, you can leverage the original_application_version in app receipts to identify the first version purchased by the customer. Therefore be sure to rev your applications version in sync with your business model change so you can accurately identify which business model applies to that user. You can do a less than version check to determine if you unlock app or merchandise applicable In-app purchases. It is important customers that acquired a paid app retain access to features/functionality.

Please review App Review Guidelines and learn from other developers experiences when changing business models. ie: customer communication, feedback, etc.

Thank you for the response.

I have to say that the app is paid but price is set at 0, so no one got the app by paying indeed.

Does your answer apply also to this case?

I have no problems in granting full functionality to them, if feasible, but it is also important to understand if it is mandatory (or very common, or expected) when the app was in fact purchased with no money.

I would like to have this information too, if possible.

Thanks in advance

Free app introducing in-app purchase for some features