Placing a directory tree under the installer's home directory

We create a .dmg file for one of our products that tries to create a directory hierarchy under the user's (i.e., the person running the .dmg file) home directory.

The packaging is done using a distribution XML file that includes this line:

<domains enable_currentUserHome="true"/>

We previously built the product on macOS v10.10 (Yosemite), and this approach worked.

We recently switched to a newer machine that runs macOS v10.15 (Catalina). When we build the product on this machine, the installer that's produced gives a "This package is incompatible with this version of macOS" error.

However, if the top-level directory that the installer is trying to create in the home directory is there, even if it's empty, then the installer has no problems. So it appears that what the installer can't do is create this top-level directory, but it doesn't have problems copying sub-directories into it if it's already there.

Is there a way to get the installer to succeed even if this top-level directory doesn't exist?

Placing a directory tree under the installer's home directory