I've got a user that is having a problem accessing their unlocked in-app purchase. They've sent us a copy of their receipt, and I plugged the Order ID into the Lookup API (https://developer.apple.com/documentation/appstoreserverapi/look_up_order_id).
I'm getting {"status":1}
as a result on the lookup which the docs say is invalid (https://developer.apple.com/documentation/appstoreserverapi/orderlookupstatus), and I'm not quite sure what to do with that. Does that mean they faked the invoice? That seems really unlikely to me. I also wondered if that means they revoked the purchase, but in that case I would expect it to still return the transaction so I could see the revocation reason and date.
I don't want to go back to the user with "Sorry, your purchase is not valid" without knowing why. Any additional information or guidance on interpreting "Invalid" would be really helpful.