What are some good cloud storage options for storing videos?

I am making a video sharing app and I am looking for a good cloud storage service that I can upload my videos to and store them. I was previously using Firebase Cloud to store my videos, but I ran into a problem with Firebase and decided it will not work for what I am trying to do. So I decided to switch my cloud storage and I am having a hard time finding something that will work.


What are some good cloud storage options for storing videos? Or is there a better way to store videos other than a cloud storage service? The app is very similar to Youtube and the average video length will be around 10 mins if that helps at all.


The problem I am having with Firebase storage is that the videos never get uploaded to Firebase if the user closes out of the app during the upload. None of the IOS background options work either.BGProcessingTask and URLSessionUploadTask do not work to finish uploading the video in the background because Firebase does not allow you to pausing uploading during sessions to finish BGProcessingTask, and Firebase does not give you a URL to upload the video to finish URLSessionUploadTask.

The length of the video is less important, it more depends on the file size. Also for more context to your question, is this app only for iOS?

You could look at using CloudKit and saving the files as a CKAsset. Big apps like Photos are built upon that infrastructure. Think like when you have a video saved and then share it with an iCloud link. The tech is being used under the hood to some extent.

CloudKit has storage limits that ultimately might not pan out for your usage but it's my favorite storage. For my usage and volume it is free, built into the OS, and more importantly, supports background uploads, etc. I really dislike third party 'blob storage' libraries because they never seem to support background url sessions for uploading in the background and out of process.

What are some good cloud storage options for storing videos?