Autofill credential provider extension problem

Hi, i'm currently trying to implement an autofill service for my password management app and it's not showing in the Settings -> Passwords -> Autofill passwords.

I've created the entitlement file with the key with the YES value for both my app target and autofill extension.

I've added for both my app target and extension target the capability for "Autofill Credential Provider".

I've followed this tutorial but it's not very clear.

Am I missing something here?

I was struggling with this exact thing since yesterday, and was dismayed to see that no one had answered your question in 4 months. I just figured out what my issue was, which was that the minimum deployment version of the extension target was set to 15.4 and my phone is running something slightly lower than that. The minimum deployment version of the app itself was low enough, which resulted in the app installing and running fine on my phone, but the extension silently failing to show up in the list. I set the minimum deployment of the extension to 15.0 an re-ran the app on my iPhone and the extension immediately showed up in Settings -> Passwords -> Autofill passwords

Autofill credential provider extension problem