App Store Connect does not accept back-deploy concurrency macOS App that build by Xcode 13.2

I have a macOS app that has a minimal deployment target of macOS 10.15, recently I adapted some features with Swift Concurrency.

I built my app with Xcode 13.2 then upload to App Store Connect, but it failed.

App Store Connect reported "This bundle is invalid.", which "libswift_Concurrency.dylib" is unsupported content.

The same issue here. However, I can get my app notarized. So just no App Store.

Oddly enough, I found that App Store accepted my app in iOS/iPadOS while it rejected the macOS version with the same core. Both of them shared the same core. So there was also a "libswift_Concurrency.dylib" in iOS version, but it was accepted.

We got same issue. As a workaround we successfully submitted our App to AppStore with Xcode 13.1

Still the same with Xcode 13.2.1 (13C100).

Hello, I have the same issue with my apps. I am using async/await in a framework that is included via Swift Packages. I can build the app, but when I validate / upload the archive I get the following error:

This bundle is invalid. The executable code in [,] contain unsupported content.

Can't update my app even with Xcode 13.2.1

hello, any update or any solution I am facing the same like now it showing to create a new app from Xcode organizer and if I try to create a new its shows bundle id is being used this happens only after Xcode 13.2.1 was previously in Xcode 12.5 (which works flawless)

I still can not submit any new updates because of this bug. I really hope this gets fixed soon.

The submit issue asside, seems production builds are extremely unstable. I have never seen so many crashes with nonsensical stack traces since we deployed swift concurrency in our retail build. This thing seems to be alpha at most.

I've got the same error using Xcode 13.2.1 minimal deployment target of macOS 10.15. I'm using async/wait in some functions, but they are all marked with @available(OSX 12.0, *). Currently, I'm unable to submit updates to the Appstore.

With reference to my last entry: I have also reported the whole thing as an error to Apple using Feedback Assistant. I hope this will get things moving a bit. If anyone has an idea how to fix the problem, that would be great - currently I can't provide any updates to our app in the Appstore.

Thanks for reporting, I have also submitted a report using Feedback Assistant.

To anyone also experiencing this issue: It's probably best to also submit a request!

I reverted back to Xcode 13.1 which I downloaded from the dev portal and am able to build and submit from that totally fine! You can have multiple versions of Xcode on your Mac without any downsides afaik as long as you name them different things (I named this one Xcode-13-1). Might be worth a try for others as long as you don't need anything 13.2-explicate:

Great, thank you! I will try that out!

App Store Connect does not accept back-deploy concurrency macOS App that build by Xcode 13.2