Hi everyone.
I am a self-taught iOS developer for around a year and a half. It's going really great so far.
But there is nothing that interests me more than AR-related/ Rendering technologies. I am learning by myself about RealityKit, SceneKit, ARKit. Surely it doesn't go fast, but it goes somehow. Don't want to mention the Metal, that one goes really slow.
Is anyone able to recommend some courses/ teachings not only about these techs specifically but also about some fundamental knowledge that I could possess to make that learning a little more efficient? When working with Entities and their position, it's clear that I am missing fundamental math.
I've searched for some courses about Algebra/Trigonometry but there is a ton of it, and I'm not quite sure which ones should I pick to follow the AR path.
I've got all the possible notes from WWDCs about RealityKit/ARKit. But it's not enough. Metal WWDCs are simply too complicated for me at this level. I am trying to catch on to some C++ in my spare time but there is little time left for that.
I would highly appreciate your help. Thanks