UDID for Apple TV for Provisioning Profile?

I am done with my tvOS app. But I don't have physical Apple TV. However, it is necessary if I want to distribute my app. Currently, Apple TV has already sold out in my country. Can anybody borrow the UDID of Apple TV? 😅

Answered by matovsky in 698704022


d8b   db  .d88b.      .d8888. d888888b d8888b. db 
888o  88 .8P  Y8.     88'  YP   `88'   88  `8D 88 
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88 V8o88 88    88       `Y8b.    88    88`8b      
88  V888 `8b  d8'     db   8D   .88.   88 `88. db 
VP   V8P  `Y88P'      `8888Y' Y888888P 88   YD YP                                                                                                                                  
Accepted Answer


UDID for Apple TV for Provisioning Profile?