Apple Music Shortcuts in macOS Monterey RC 12.0/12.01

I've unsuccessfully attempted to run a simple iOS Shortcut that references an Apple Music action in macOS Monterey Shortcuts on both 12.0 RC and 12.01 releases.

I have also tried recreating a Shortcut from scratch on macOS Monterey that only calls the "Get Current Song" action, but the action hangs in the Shortcut editor.

I get the sense scanning the Console logs that either Shortcuts does not have access to Apple Music (a security/privacy issue) or this function is intermediated somehow by the hosted Apple Music API.

Is there any way to grant my specific Shortcut (or the Shortcuts app itself) explicit access to Apple Music? I tried messing with Settings->Sec&Priv->Privacy->Media & Apple Music - but no luck here.

Can anyone else reproduce this issue or is my configuration hosed?

Apple Music Shortcuts in macOS Monterey RC 12.0/12.01