How to add invitation code or share to unlock without being rejected?

I would like to add two functionalities and I wonder if they are aligned with the IOS guidelines.

  1. Invitation code.

#1_Reference=Jumpspeak. On sign-up users are asked to add the invitation code. If you don't have the code, you can't access. #2_Reference=Clubhouse. You can only access if someone invited you with their phone number.

How can I add invitation first users to the app? My plan is to ask an invitation code before sign-up. Is it possible? How can I make it work.

  1. Share to unlock

#Reference_1: CoinMaster. They ask you to share with your friends to unlock new spins and be able to continue playing.

How can I add this functionality to my app? My plan is to ask users to share to unlock new lessons. Is it possible? How Can I make it possible?


Hi, any updates on this I have similar usecase.

How to add invitation code or share to unlock without being rejected?