App Store Connect and App Clip

Hi. I am busy with my Xcode for a project. My project is for only sticker packs on iMessage. 

I have viewed my App Store Connect about App Clip. I read a description that said ‘you must first upload a build to App Store Connect that contains a clip.’ But it is a problem, I never know App Clip because my first time. I haven’t App Code on my Xcode project.

If I select a build without an App Clip. Before I don’t plan to add them on Xcode. I can’t select a build in App Store Correct that does not contain an App Clip. Before it was the following error. I want to resubmit again. But how to add an App Clip on Xcode?

Please let me know. I would be appreciate.

Hi Rooijakkals, thanks for asking your question. Can you provide more details on the problem you’re having and trying to solve? I’m unclear what you’re seeing and hoping to do. A screenshot of an error message may help, for example.



Hi Jasonag,

My attachment is here.

Jason, I have sent my attachment here.

Hi Jason, have you seen my attachment?

Hello Rooijakkals. To add an App Clip you first have to have an app, and functionality of that app you would turn into an App Clip.

An App Clip is effectively a small bit of functionality from your main app. Without some larger app functionality, there's nothing to clip out.

Can you describe what functionality your app has, and what portion of your app you would make available in an App Clip?

If you haven't yet identified that, I would encourage you to first develop an app that has enough functionality that you can realistically offer a smaller version of that via an App Clip.



App Store Connect and App Clip