Trying to troubleshoot a "Nonce Mismatch" error with Apple SIgn In. Not sure if it's an Apple issue, OmniAuth, or perhaps code. Here's some context:
Framework: Rails (v6.1) / Web App
Using the Ruby Gems - [omniauth-apple ], Devise (
Everything is "wired" up, and authentication seems to be working. Safari prompts me for my fingerprint, I authenticate, and it redirects back to the web app logged in. Authentication works in all major browsers via a more manual approach. However, I'm receiving this error:
Nonce mismatch
From my logs:
ERROR -- omniauth: (apple) Authentication failure! nonce_mismatch: OmniAuth::Strategies::OAuth2::CallbackError, nonce_mismatch | nonce mismatch
One thing I noticed, changing this Rails setting from :lax to :none seems to suppress the error. But the trade-off is Chrome fails. Hmmm...
config.action_dispatch.cookies_same_site_protection = :lax'
Any idea what this means and some guidance would be welcome.