Why iOS App is crashing on iOS 15?

Hello there, When I run iOS app into iOS Simulator in iOS 15 its working fine but when I am trying to run it on Real device its crashing on button click and other navigation like push

Any help would be appreciated Here is the crashlogs attachment

Thanks In Advance.

Exception Type:  EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGBUS)
Exception Subtype: KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE at 0x00000001e8ff9250
Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000002, 0x00000001e8ff9250

This indicates that your process died because of a memory access exception, that is, it tried to access an invalid pointer.

Now consider the backtrace of the crashing thread:

Thread 20 Crashed::  …
0   AgoraCore               … 0x1052203d0
1   AgoraCore               … 0x105220372
2   AgoraCore               … 0x1052200ea
3   dyld                    … 0x104ab2ec8 ___ZN5dyld44APIs33_dyld_register_func_for_add_imageEPFvPK11mach_headerlE_block_invoke + 164 …
4   dyld                    … 0x104aac2d4 dyld4::RuntimeState::withLoadersReadLock(void () block_pointer) + 60 …
5   dyld                    … 0x104ad23d0 dyld4::APIs::_dyld_register_func_for_add_image(void (*)(mach_header const*, long)) + 124 …
6   AgoraCore               … 0x1052201ca
7   AgoraCore               … 0x10521994a
8   AgoraCore               … 0x105219e8a
9   AgoraCore               … 0x105219586
10  AgoraRtcKit             … 0x10cce055e
11  AgoraRtcKit             … 0x10cccbb36
12  AgoraRtcKit             … 0x10ccd487a
13  AgoraRtcKit             … 0x10cc919c6
14  AgoraRtcKit             … 0x10cc91946
15  AgoraCore               … 0x1052106ee
16  AgoraCore               … 0x10521095e
17  AgoraCore               … 0x105207e4e
18  AgoraCore               … 0x105209406
19  AgoraCore               … 0x10520901a
20  AgoraCore               … 0x10520817a
21  AgoraCore               … 0x105211c9a
22  libsystem_pthread.dylib … 0x1db684458 _pthread_start + 116 …
23  libsystem_pthread.dylib … 0x1db682ab0 thread_start + 8

The crashing code, frame 0, is in your app. To see what’s going on, you’ll need to symbolicate the crash report. For more on this, see Adding Identifiable Symbol Names to a Crash Report.

Also, frames 3 through 5 are interesting. They suggest that this crashing code is actually a dynamic linker add image callback, that is, a callback registered by _dyld_register_func_for_add_image. That’s a very low-level feature usually reserved for language runtimes, debuggers, and so on. What are you doing with it?

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + "apple.com"

Okay I'm not sure but if there's a stackTrace you could provide that would be great. I'm seeing that your error is


with message:

(Data Abort) byte write Permission fault

Usually that means that you are trying to execute or use a region of memory that is read only. Seems like its too deep to dive in

I hope your can solve your issue reading this



Why iOS App is crashing on iOS 15?