Whither FileHandle?

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I’m not a big fan of FileHandle (NSFileHandle in Objective-C) and I wrote this post to explain why.

Note This post focuses on macOS but these problems apply to all Apple platforms.


Every FileHandle read or write call results is a read or write system call. If you want to read a file one byte at a time, FileHandle is not the API for you.

IMPORTANT The async/await read support we added in macOS 12 (currently in beta) fixes this on the read side.

Error Handling

In its original incarnation, FileHandle responded to errors by throwing an Objective-C exception. Thus, to use it safely you had to wrap every call with an Objective-C method that catches that exception and returns it as an NSError [1].

This was fixed in macOS 10.15, which added new methods that return errors using Cocoa’s standard pattern. For example, readData(ofLength:) has been deprecated in favour of read(upToCount:), where the latter returns an error rather than throwing an Objective-C exception.

Note Swift code didn’t get this fix until 10.15.4.

[1] You may need to write the wrapper in MRR rather than ARC because ARC is not, in general, exception safe. However, I must admit that I’ve not looked into that aspect of this issue in depth.

Async I/O

FileHandle has many different flavours of async I/O support. On the read side this includes APIs based on notifications, a readability handler, and async/await. All of these have their challenges:

  • The notification-based APIs require you to have an NSObject subclass available.

  • The readability handler is called on an unspecified serial queue, which makes it hard to coordinate work with other queues. You can get around this by setting the readability handler to nil and then dispatching over to another queue, but that starts getting ugly.

  • The async/await API only works on macOS 12.

On the write side things are worse:

  • There is no async/await support on the write side (r. 82768702).

  • As with the read side, the notification-based API requires you to have an NSObject subclass available.

  • Both the notification and writeability handler APIs require you to manually enable non-blocking I/O to avoid accidentally blocking. You then have to use the low-level write system call to write your data because none of the existing write methods are capable of return info about short writes (r. 82768669).

IMO it’s better to avoid the async I/O support in FileHandle. My preferred alternative is Dispatch I/O.

The Pipes, The Pipes Are Crashing!

A common use of FileHandle is to manage the pipes connected to a child process started using Process (NSTask in Objective-C). Unfortunately it does not do this job well. Part of this is the poor async I/O support discussed above. A more serious problem relates to SIGPIPE.

If you write to a pipe whose remote end has closed, the OS raises a SIGPIPE signal whose default disposition is to terminate your process. FileHandle does not take any special care to handle this, even if you create your file handles using Pipe (r. 82757424). If you use FileHandle to manage a pipe manually, set F_SETNOSIGPIPE on the file descriptor to avoid this termination. Once you set this, a write will fail with EPIPE rather than raising SIGPIPE. Yay!

This also applies when you use FileHandle to manage a socket, although in that case you use the SO_NOSIGPIPE socket option to disable the SIGPIPE.

If you have any questions or comments about the above, put them in a new thread. Make sure to tag that thread with Foundation and Files and Storage so that I see it.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
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Whither FileHandle?