When I attempt to run on the simulator iPhone SE (14.5), I get the message over 1200 times while the app is starting. The target platform in Xcode is iOS 14.5. During startup, I am performing a metaDataQuery to load data from iCloud. Has anyone else seen this?
swiftUI Unknown platform linking against CloudDocs framework 7
More info: no messages until metadataQuery.start() all messages before: print("notification Received from metadata query"
.publisher(for: NSNotification.Name.NSMetadataQueryDidFinishGathering,object: nil)
metadataQuery = NSMetadataQuery()
metadataQuery.searchScopes = [NSMetadataQueryUbiquitousDocumentsScope]
metadataQuery.predicate = NSPredicate(format: "(%K LIKE 'Saved.plist') OR (%K CONTAINS 'Album') ",NSMetadataItemFSNameKey,NSMetadataItemFSNameKey)//071918c
albumlistPublisher.sink(receiveCompletion: { _ in
print("notification Received from metadata query")}
, receiveValue: { Value in
let query = (Value.object as! NSMetadataQuery)
print("albumListPublisherSink: found \(query.resultCount) albums")
print("notification Received from metadata query")})
Yes, I am getting this as well in the Simulator (using objective-C). I get it when calling: [[fm URLForUbiquityContainerIdentifier:nil] URLByAppendingPathComponent:@"Documents"]; // where fm is [NSFileManager defaultManager]
The Documents folder already exists in that file location. Simulated Device iPhone SE (2nd gen) iOS 15.0; xcode Version 13.0 (13A233)
Any updates here?
I have the same here.... but it works.... that is a bit irritating....