Security input before you can put your iPhone off

My name is Awie from South Africa. My daughter just started working and fresh out of school. She always had a cell phone but nothing like a Apple iPhone. i was ranting and raving about the iPhone so her mother helped her with the first brand new iPhone 11. Well, she was on cloud 9 as they say. She got herself a cover and screen protector and it was stuck to her like glue.

Then 3 weeks ago her phone was stolen out of her place of work. She just turned her back for a second and it was gone. Cameras in the shop showed who took it and footage even as far as following them out to the car is available. What i noticed is the first thing that they did is to put off the phone so nobody can track the phone via find my. i took it on myself to help her and put the phone on find my as lost. 

2 days after the phone was stolen her complete icloud account that was part of my family share just vanished. No phone tracking or icloud account of my daughter… nothing…! 

So with all that said her mother and i did not have money for Insurance on her phone so now she has to pay off her phone that was stolen and still lost. i then came up with an idea…

Why does apple iPhone for security purposes not put in a password or whatever to put off the iPhone? So if somebody gets hold of your phone they can't switch it off because they need a password or facial recognition to do so… That, i think must be part of any iPhone and will be a game changer for people that think they can swipe any iPhone. As long as that iPhone can’t power off that phone can still be tracked.

Answered by AwieVorster in 682876022

Wow … well with feedback like this who needs a forum of this caliber to try and give recommendations. I not once said it’s not her fault, however this suggestion is valid and the idea makes a huge amount of sense. In actual fact this idea is so dumb that they actually have since developed something as per my suggestion which is now being tested and implemented on the ios 15 beta system as now your phone can be tracked while your phone is powered off. As similar communication was sent to the CEO of Apple about a month ago. How coincidental… right? Let me show you what is dumb - your sarcastic answer is just totally stupid and dumb and if you are a developer or here to assist people please work on your people’s skills, because South African’s are not idiots like you seem to think is the case. By the way the two step verification was on her phone. There is clearly in my experience a massive security flaw in iPhones. Even the USB Security protocol was activated on her phone which was bypassed. They managed to bypass Find Me and all security protocols and wiped her iCloud account like it never existed, therefore my recommendation. Put that in your pipe and smoke it!

Ok, first of all, that's the dumbest idea on the planet. Had your daughter been more responsible and kept the phone in her pocket instead, this wouldn't have happened. Next, you should have probably enabled two-step verification on her iCloud account, so the guy who stole it couldn't have got in.

Accepted Answer

Wow … well with feedback like this who needs a forum of this caliber to try and give recommendations. I not once said it’s not her fault, however this suggestion is valid and the idea makes a huge amount of sense. In actual fact this idea is so dumb that they actually have since developed something as per my suggestion which is now being tested and implemented on the ios 15 beta system as now your phone can be tracked while your phone is powered off. As similar communication was sent to the CEO of Apple about a month ago. How coincidental… right? Let me show you what is dumb - your sarcastic answer is just totally stupid and dumb and if you are a developer or here to assist people please work on your people’s skills, because South African’s are not idiots like you seem to think is the case. By the way the two step verification was on her phone. There is clearly in my experience a massive security flaw in iPhones. Even the USB Security protocol was activated on her phone which was bypassed. They managed to bypass Find Me and all security protocols and wiped her iCloud account like it never existed, therefore my recommendation. Put that in your pipe and smoke it!

Security input before you can put your iPhone off