Minimum deployment Version for older WatchOSs and newer iOSs.

If a "Minimum Deployment Target" is updated to WatchOS7 on a product(iOS app with a companion watch app) that is already available on the App Store, watches running WatchOS6 will obviously no longer get updates.

However, what is the experience for a user who has a WatchOS6 (maybe they own a Series 2) connected to an iPhone with iOS14?

  • Will both the iPhone app and the Watch app stop getting updates?
  • Will the Watch app stop getting updates, but the iPhone app continue receiving them and we have to manage this?
  • Something else?

Thanks in advance!

I second this question and behaviour here.

I'd like to know if my independent Watch app will still be available in the WatchOS App Store on WatchOS 6 devices if I release an update with the minimum deployment target of WatchOS 7. And if the user has a newer iPhone that supports a later version of my app, but the watch doesn't, what happens then?


I'm still struggling to find an answer to this question. Did either of you find out the answer either from documentation or through experimentation?

Minimum deployment Version for older WatchOSs and newer iOSs.