




Low resolution Watch App icon displayed alongside Workouts in the Fitness App
Third party watch app icons shown alongside Workouts in the fitness app are low resolutions. I've had a look in my Watches app asset catalogue and I don't appear to be missing any icon assets. This Also seems to be impacting other third party Apps such as Nike Run Club. Is this a bug with the Fitness app using a low resolution images rather than one of the higher resolution ones available?
Oct ’22
Always on display in fitness app written in WatchKit UI
Is it possible to update the UI of an application written in WatchKit (not SwiftUI) while the watch is lowered and the device is in always-on mode? I am wanting to continue to update a WKInterfaceTimer label (which shows minutes and seconds) and a couple of WKInterfaceLabel which show live HealthKit info for a fitness app. I can't seem to see any Watchkit APIs for this and if I do not pause a WKInterfaceTimer when the didDeactivate is called on a WKInterfaceController the it still seems to pause when the app is put into always on mode.
Oct ’21
Play haptics on Watch in background during workout session when bluetooth headphones connected
I am working on a watchOS6 workout app that uses haptic notifications during the workout. These notification are to prompt a user to change their pace. It is configured to run a workout session and haptics work when running in the background. However, if bluetooth headphones are connected to the apple watch, then you only get the haptic vibration OR the audio chime for the haptic, depending on whether the app is currently showing on the watch face or running in background. Here's how I'm playing the haptic: WKInterfaceDevice.current().play(.notification) My audio session is configured with these options try session.setCategory(.playback, options: [.duckOthers]) Is it possible to get the haptics to play which the app is not in the foreground and the user has bluetooth headphones attached?
Jun ’20