Retrieve all ratings (with or without a review) for an app on iTunes without max record limit for all countries

Having known and tried iTunes app store's customer reviews API (sample URL below), there are three problems that I need to solve:

  1. The customer review rss feed URL returns only the records with customer reviews. How do we get the records with ratings alone which don't have any reviews in them?
  2. The URL returns list of reviews for a given country. What should be done to retrieve the latest reviews across all countries?
  3. CustomerReviews RSS page depth is limited to 10. So total of 500 latest records can be retrieved. How do we retrieve the history records?

Sample URL:{country-code}/rss/customerreviews/page=1/id={app-id}/sortby=mostrecent/json?urlDesc=/customerreviews/id={app-id}/sortby=mostrecent/json

Any hint or solution is much appreciated.

I am at the same stage where I get only 500 reviews while there are more on the app using the uRL. Any solution is much appreciated.

+1 for this. For the moment still can't get ratings without reviews

Can anyone help us to solution?

You can use Easy App Reports to extract all your iOS reviews from all countries (and for multiple apps) at the same time.

Retrieve all ratings (with or without a review) for an app on iTunes without max record limit for all countries