MacOS shortcuts don't work in the latest beta

MacOS 12.0 Beta (21A5268h)

Xcode Version 13.0 beta (13A5155e)

First of all, the video doesn't even mention that I have to add the intents I want to handle to the Info.plist in an "Intents eligible for in-app handling" array (or the corresponding setting in the general section) but I'm pretty sure that is also required.

So I created a single create intent (for my existing app) with no inputs and an URL output just to test out that my code is getting called when I expect it. When I create a shortcut including my action and try to run it, I will get the following error: "Could not run Dummy Create" "There was a problem with the app." and I see the following messages in "":

No plugins found to match query {
    IntentsSupported =     (
    "LS:ExtensionPlatforms" =     (
    NSExtensionContainingApp = "/path/to/xcode/build/dir/";
    NSExtensionPointName = "";
-[WFAction runWithInput:userInterface:runningDelegate:variableSource:workQueue:completionHandler:]_block_invoke Action <WFHandleCustomIntentAction: 0x126acc850, identifier: com.example.myapp.DummyCreateIntent, parameters: 1> finished with error {domain: WFIntentExecutorErrorDomain, code: 100}. Error Domain=WFIntentExecutorErrorDomain Code=100 "There was a problem with the app." UserInfo={NSUnderlyingError=0x126964230 {Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-600 "procNotFound: no eligible process with specified descriptor"}, NSLocalizedFailureReason=Could not run Dummy Create, NSLocalizedDescription=There was a problem with the app.}

(and some other, less interesting messages)

If I remove it from the supported intents then running the shortcut will just silently fail instead of showing the error (I have a show result action connected to my action's output) and the will only show the first message and not the second one.

(My app delegate method never gets called in either case)

If I add a parameter (files and allowing multiple selection, and set a file in the workflow), I will also only get the first message in console app and the shortcut will get stuck at 25% completion. If it's not included in the supported intents, it will just silently fail again. (The app delegate method also doesn't get called in both cases)

Created two apps, one iOS app and one Native Mac app. iOS app running as catalyst, Siri shortcut works. But it does not work for native Mac app.

MacOS shortcuts don't work in the latest beta