Changing Private Relay state drops internet connectivity

I noticed that when I'm running an app with an active Network Extension in macOS Monterey (21A5268h), changing the Private Relay state to on or off disrupts internet connectivity. The WiFi menubar icon eventually turns into an exclamation-mark.

The only workaround I found is to turn the filter off or to delete it. If the filter is turned on again, Internet connectivity is lost. I've tested this with a pass-through NEFilterDataProvider-based NetworkExtension filter app, but also see this behavior with other network filtering apps such as TripMode which is on the Mac App Store.

Is this a bug? I've filed a report (FB9283392) and attached a sample project to it.


Is this a bug? I've filed a report (FB9283392) and attached a sample project to it.

It's unclear at this point, but you did the right thing in opening a bug to get more clarification here. I see your bug internally and will add more information here if I have it.

Matt Eaton
DTS Engineering, CoreOS

Thank you @meaton. It appears that things didn't improve in Monterey developer beta 3 (21A5284e): installing and enabling a network extension appears to drop all internet connectivity on my Mac. Private Relay was disabled the whole time. I've reported this issue as well with a sample project: FB9381341.

Let me know if I can provide any additional info.

I've reported this issue as well with a sample project: FB9381341.

Thank you for the update on this matter. I see your bug report internally and have copied myself on it for more info.

Matt Eaton
DTS Engineering, CoreOS