Siri Shortcuts timing out on device but run fine on the simulator

I'm working on an App that takes a photo and adds a filter to it through the shortcuts app. Works fine in the simulator, but when I run on my iPad and iPhone I receive this message:

I attempted to change the size of the image to see if that would speed things up, but I'm left with the same results.

My intents handler:

import Foundation

import Intents

import SwiftUI

class DrawingIntentHandler: NSObject, GenerateDrawingIntentHandling{

    func handle(intent: GenerateDrawingIntent, completion: @escaping (GenerateDrawingIntentResponse) -> Void) {

        let response = GenerateDrawingIntentResponse(code: .success, userActivity: nil)

        guard let param = intent.images else {return}

        guard let filename = param.fileURL else { return }


        guard let fileimage = UIImage(contentsOfFile: filename.path) else { return }


        guard let cartoon = Cartoonify(image: fileimage).result else {return}

        guard let pngData = cartoon.pngData() else { return  }

        response.drawing = INFile(data: pngData, filename: param.filename, typeIdentifier: "public.png")



    func confirm(intent: GenerateDrawingIntent, completion: @escaping (GenerateDrawingIntentResponse) -> Void) {

        completion(GenerateDrawingIntentResponse(code: .ready, userActivity: nil))



Siri Shortcuts timing out on device but run fine on the simulator