I would like to have access to Siri Voice in AVSpeechSynthesizer to read text in our applications. I checked that it can already be accessed in Voice Over but not in Speech. I don't know if it can already be done in iOS 15. I need your help. Please.
How to set Siri Voice in AVSpeechSynthesizer
AVSpeechSynthesizer cannot use the Siri voice. Apple has locked this voice to ensure privacy as the malicious app could impersonate Siri and get private information that way. However we already know that there is a solution to access privacy sensitive features in the iOS using the permissions so hopefully this will change in the future. You may vote for this to happen using this petition and with some hope Apple may implement that in iOS 16: https://www.change.org/p/apple-apple-please-allow-3rd-party-apps-to-use-siri-voices-for-improved-accessibility