iOS 14.5 + Safari (normal or TP) - Web Inspector ONLY shows Console, Sources and Audit, no Elements, Network, etc.

Yeah as the title says. I just updated to Big Sur 11.4 and I'm developing an Ionic-based app that used to be able to be debugged using Safari's Web Inspector.

Now it doesn't work at all, I'm not even getting console messages, it's like a dummy window or something that's not attached to the iOS device (even though it's spawned from the Develop -> Simulator -> localhost entry.

It only shows Console, Sources and Audit, which sucks.

Any ideas? I have a deadline real soon and this crap not working isn't good for nothing. Thanks Apple.

Apple has fixed this bug at May 26, 2021,please download the Safari Technology Preview.

Thank you, guys. Works fine for me on real device with iOS 14.6 and Safari Technology Preview Release 125 (Safari 14.2, WebKit 16612.

Although it seemed to work for a moment, connecting to the Cordova app with the web inspector now results in an immediately crash of the application. Anyone else with the same experience? any workarounds?

until they get their act together: use chrome & their web inspector. (toggle device toolbar, on left of toolbar) it simulates touch gestures that you can debug in console. it's not quite the same, but better than nothing.

It is still not working for me on Safari Technology Preview (Release 125 (Safari 14.2, WebKit 16612. with Safari on Simulator (Version 12.5 (961.1))! I do see the tabs (Elements, Console, Network) but they don't do anything.

Edit: after I quit and restarted Simulator, everything finally worked as it should.

Had to download and install Safari Tech Preview.. Thanks Apple for fixing the issue in you preview but not in the actual Safari Browser

Same issue

So... no fix for those of us still on Catalina?

Same issue for me on Catalina 10.15.7 and iOS 14.6

Same issue here. iOS 14.6, macOs 11.4 big , safari 14.1.1 , safari Technology Preview 125-127

I downloaded the beta of Safari 15.0 and now I have the panels back.

I'm on OS 10.15 Catalina and I had Safari 14.1.


iOS 14.5 + Safari (normal or TP) - Web Inspector ONLY shows Console, Sources and Audit, no Elements, Network, etc.