How many `Advanced App Clip Experiences` can be add?

How many Advanced App Clip Experiences can be add to one app?
Answered by edorphy in 679758022

I asked the AppClip team this question in a WWDC21 lab session.

The answer, presently, was that there is no limit to the number of advanced app clip experiences you can make.

This is great—now the problem I will have is squishing my urls to fit into the app clip generator.

From the video on creating app clips for other businesses, it seems like it shouldn't be bounded to the number you can make. However there is probably a practical limit. I'd also like to know!

Do you want different App Clip Cards, or just the app clip experience to be different once the clip is launched? You could use query params in your URL to control what content is shown in the application.

I would like to know this as well. Suppose someone makes an app that connects small businesses. The app developer may want to have a custom App Clip card for each small business. The number of small businesses could be 1000+ (coffee shops for example). There may be some coffee shops that could care less about the App Clip card design but I would imagine more often than not that's not the case and they want something unique to them for branding / marketing purposes.

What edorphy is suggesting takes care of giving a unique experience once the user taps on the App Clip card button to deeplink into the app. But that's the step after the App Clip card appears.

Accepted Answer

I asked the AppClip team this question in a WWDC21 lab session.

The answer, presently, was that there is no limit to the number of advanced app clip experiences you can make.

This is great—now the problem I will have is squishing my urls to fit into the app clip generator.

How many `Advanced App Clip Experiences` can be add?