iTunes Connect completely broken

Logged in today to iTunes Connect and am greeted with a 'Get Started with iTunes Connect' page. Several icons (e.g. Apps). Clicking on Apps does nothing.

Opening a browser tab to, then going into the Account section does bring up my account (already logged in). So the login above worked.

Anyone else seeing this?
  • I suspect it works on safari, but I'm on a linux desktop using a different browser

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One apparently now needs to go to And now seems to redirect to that.


One apparently now needs to go to And now seems to redirect to that.
Absolutely ridiculous. iTunes Connect should have a redirect available, and not some defunct webpage that is completely useless.
Still broken, thanks for the work around.

Still broken. Total embarrassment.

STILL BROKEN. I am on Big Sur, and have removed all security barriers and pop up blockers on Safari. I have seen this before, BUTTON PRESSES to new pages DOESN'T WORK on safari for some reason. Doesn't work for Netsuite sending of an email, DOESN'T work on APPLE'S OWN after logging in. The only one that works on this page for me is the Artists. ALL THE MONEY IN THE WORLD, and Apple still doesn't get that quality require real IN HOUSE quality assurance. Having people wait for 1 month, 2 mont's 5 months for their "automated testing" to figure stuff out, (sometimes bugs last for years! I still have the same Apple Music bug in my car where it always starts playing the first song on my alphabetical list when I get in my car! Anyone?)

I am SHOCKED that Apple is so successful but still can't get their basic system, software and services to run correctly. I will keep on posting the same things about lack of QA and testing because it's UNBELIEVABLY embarrassing for you to have such horrible software with such an incredible amount of resources!