Testing Error: Expected directory at URL at "filename.json" I've tried using different data sets but always receive the same error.
Does anyone have any idea what I'm doing wrong?
I don't know what the error message exactly means, however i found a solution by accident. I think createML expects us to give a directory (training, validation or testing) that contains a subdirectory for each class which has the textual data in it. So, for a binary sentiment analysis problem, "train" directory should have 2 sub directories called "neg" and "pos". "neg" directory has files of examples that have negative sentiment. Likewise, "pos" directory has files of examples that have positive sentiment.
Hope this helps.
Is there an answer to this problem? What directory exactly is missing? kbulutozler's answer doesn't work for me for some reason. I am using an CSV file to train a model, which worked perfectly in the past.
I got the same error message when attempting to use the same .csv format as for training. After a little trial and error, what eventually worked was supplying the data in the following format, as e.g. used for Vision tasks in CreateML:
├─ label_0/
│ ├─ 0.txt
│ ├─ 1.txt
│ ├─ ...
├─ label_1/
│ ├─ 0.txt
│ ├─ 1.txt
│ ├─ 2.txt
│ ├─ ...
Here, the files 0.txt, ... containing only the text strings. Hope this helps you!