Image is not visible in the PKAddPassButton


I am trying to use the button PKAddPassButton.
  1. The wallet image on the button is not coming when I am running it in Xcode Simulator.

Please see the Objective C code block below:
PKAddPassButton *button = [[PKAddPassButton alloc] initWithAddPassButtonStyle:PKAddPassButtonStyleBlackOutline];
  button.frame = CGRectMake(50, 150, 240, 50);
  [self.view addSubview:button];
Button is coming in the simulator with the title only, ie; "Add to Apple Wallet".

2. How can I change the default title to some custom title(ie; change the title "Add to Apple Wallet" to "Added to Apple Wallet").

3. How can I get the UIImage/UIImageView of the PKAddPassButton?

Xcode Version: 12.4 (12D4e)
Simulator: iPhone 11 Pro Max-14.4
macOS Catalina: version 10.15.7

Your support is highly appreciated.

  1. For some undocumented reason the wallet icon does not show on the simulators. It will show on a real device.

  2. Why would you use the PKAddPassButton if you are attempting to modify it, that is not the intended behavior, maybe just create your own button?

  3. You cannot access that icon I believe via standard ways.

Late response, as stumbled into the icon issue today myself.

Image is not visible in the PKAddPassButton