Unable to add Amex Card in Sandbox tester account for Apple Pay

While adding an Amex card to the sandbox tester account, it is showing an error as "This card cannot be used".
The card initially shows as added but when you look at the device account number it says "Activating..." indefinitely and is never activated but MC, VISA cards are added successfully.

Following probable solutions have been tried:
  1. Setting device location to the US

  2. Creating a new sandbox account and tried adding but no luck.

Note: Tried with all Amex Cards mentioned in https://developer.apple.com/apple-pay/sandbox-testing/

We are having this same issue. Please fix adding Amex for Apple Pay testing.

We are having the same issue

For American Express cards, as of June 2024, no test cards can be added to the Sandbox Apple wallet and got this error. has reached out to Apple Pay Support.

The device region, test account, app store settings are all pointing to United States as region

Unable to add Amex Card in Sandbox tester account for Apple Pay