App Clips Max Storage Size (AppGroupFolder) after install

Is there any restriction of size of the application group folder that I can use while interacting with App Clip?
For example, I would want to make photos or download bunch of images through the App Clip and later I want to access all of them in the Main App. Will they be kept there when I install the App (assume I'll use App Clip frequently so it won't get deleted by the system after the month of not doing anything)?
Answered by Apple Designer in 666492022

when your full app is being installed, if the app clip hasn't be deleted by the system, the shared app group created by your app clip will be moved to the full app. Data inside that shared group will stay there too.

Accepted Answer

when your full app is being installed, if the app clip hasn't be deleted by the system, the shared app group created by your app clip will be moved to the full app. Data inside that shared group will stay there too.

Thank you!
App Clips Max Storage Size (AppGroupFolder) after install