AnchorEntity to ARAnchor (or vice versa)

Given an AnchorEntity from say RealityKit's Scene anchors collection, is it possible to retrieve the ARAnchor that was used when creating the AnchorEntity?

Looking through the AnchorEntity documentation, it seems that while you can create an AnchorEntity using an ARAnchor, there is no way to retrieve that ARAnchor afterwards.

Alternatively, the ARSession delegate functions receive a list of ARAnchors or an ARFrame that has ARAnchors, but I could not find an approach to retrieve AnchorEntities that might be associated with any of these ARAnchors.

Given an ARAnchor, is there a way to get an AnchorEntity associated with it?

Answered by Todd2 in 666321022
Figured it out: the AnchorEntity's anchorIdentifier property holds a UUID that I can use to find the original ARAnchor.

Accepted Answer
Figured it out: the AnchorEntity's anchorIdentifier property holds a UUID that I can use to find the original ARAnchor.

AnchorEntity to ARAnchor (or vice versa)