Core Data - do we need to add model versions?

I've been working with Core Data for a number of years, and I remember that when I needed to add attributes or entities to the data model, I had to first create a new model version, then add the new attributes/entities, and then use the "lightweight migration' flag when adding the NSPersistentStore to the NSPersistentStoreCoordinator. If it didn't add the new model version, the app would crash.

I've tried adding something to my data model now after a few years, without adding a new model version in Xcode. And right now, it seems to work fine. I can read/write to the new attribute that I added to an entity, and nothing crashed. I tried this on the simulator, as well as on my device.

Did something change at some point, where adding a new model version isn't a requirement for using lightweight migration? Or am I missing something? Why isn't it crashing anymore (and will it crash if I change my model without adding a new model version and ship it to production)?


Same experience here, when modifications are in the scope of a "lightweight migration"

Core Data - do we need to add model versions?