Is there an equivalent to MultipeerConnectivityService that implements SynchronizationService over TCP/IP connections?
I'd like to have two users in separate locations, each with a local ARAnchor but then have a synchronized RealityKit scene graph attached to their separate ARAnchors.
Is this possible?
I'd like to have two users in separate locations, each with a local ARAnchor but then have a synchronized RealityKit scene graph attached to their separate ARAnchors.
Is this possible?
Not with the builtin MultipeerConnectivityService, but you can always encode your own data to then send over a TCP connection to another device.
The collaboration data can be grabbed with session(_:didOutputCollaborationData:) then sent over your network instead.
I think if you go to any further detail then you'll need to create your own data structure for sending instructions between devices, which is certainly achievable.
The collaboration data can be grabbed with session(_:didOutputCollaborationData:) then sent over your network instead.
I think if you go to any further detail then you'll need to create your own data structure for sending instructions between devices, which is certainly achievable.