




This "Developer Forums" site is impossible to search.
I noticed a search for one word produces (for instance) 100 results and a search for two words produces a 1000 results. It seems to be looking for one OR the other and no option to search for both both. Adding quotes around both also does nothing. This is basic search tooling, and it seems to be broken. I found it to be completely impossible to search for, for instance: "ARKit" and "Safari" Perhaps is there a better way to search? Any suggestions? Maybe a Google search for these terms also including "Developer forums" and "Apple"??
Aug ’22
build error on the files in "Native" folder in the Classes folder
What would cause a build error on all the files in the "Native" folder in the Classes folder if there is no Native folder in the Classes folder? They are not hidden folders either. I don't understand how to fix errors on files that don't exist. This is a Unity build, specifically an unedited template, so it's something about my setup. Mac OS 12.4, Xcode 13.4.1, Unity 2022.1.4f1
Jul ’22
Create ML, loading initial image data
I'm getting an error very early in the the process and these tutorials seems very simple so I'm stumped. This tutorial seems straightforward but I can't make it past the step where I drag in image sets in. video tutorial: I have 1 folder titled "Training Data" with 2 sub-folders "img1" and "img2". When I drag my folder "Training Data" into the Training Data section I get the error: "No training data found. 0 invalid files found." I have no idea what is causing this. Images are .jpg and taken from my phone. I only have 6 total images in the initial test. I've tried it with and without an annotations.json file created in COCO Annotator, that didn't make a difference same error with or without. Big Sur 11.5.2 Create ML 3.0
Oct ’21