App rejected due to Business: Other Business Model Issues

My app has been rejected and app review team is asking to distribute your app using Apple Business Manager program. But I want to distribute it as public app on App Store. If any one of you have encountered similar situation then please let me know what steps can I take to make it available as public app on App Store.
Our app was rejected yesterday for this same reason, but Apple is just asking for more information from us. I expect that when we answer their questions, they will resume our review.

Did you answer their questions and find that Apple subsequently rejected your app and insisted that you use their "Apple Business Manager" for distribution?

Here is the rejection reason:

Code Block
From Apple
2. 1 Performance: App Completeness
Guideline 2.1 - Information Needed
We’re looking forward to continuing our review, but we need a bit more information about your business model and your users to help find the best distribution option for your app. Our preliminary review of your app suggests that your app may be a good fit for our Apple Business Manager program, which is designed specifically for business apps. 
Next Steps
Please review the following questions and provide as much detailed information as you can for each question.  
1. Please describe which kinds of users you expect will use your app. Some common kinds of users are:
- Users who are part of a single company (including its partners, employees and contractors)
- A limited number of companies which are clients of the developer
- The general public
2. Identify the specific countries or regions where you plan to distribute your app.
3. What features in the app are intended for use by general App Store users?
4. How do users obtain an account?
5. If there are any paid aspects of the app, such as for opening an account or using certain features in the app, please explain how users access the paid content.
6. Who pays for the paid content?

We got the same rejection just now, and duly responded that we didn't want to be a part of it too, whilst answering the questions. We did not appeal.

What was the outcome of your experience - did you get through, did you need to appeal?
App rejected due to Business: Other Business Model Issues