URL Prefix Matching Not Working

I have registered the following URL as an advanced App Clip experience:

Code Block

Taking advantage of URL Prefix Matching per the documentation on https://developer.apple.com/documentation/app_clips/configuring_your_app_clip_s_launch_experience, I should be able to use the following URL:

Code Block

The only difference is the addition of two more parameters that I handle for setting up the UI. However, when I create a QR code for this second URL and scan it, I am taken to the caesars.com website in Safari instead of the App Clip as if the invocation fails.

I have done some testing with other URLs as well and found that regardless if I register the more-specific or less-specific URL, only the exact URL that is registered will launch the App Clip. In other words, the URL prefix matching is not working. I had no problems during pre-release testing with Test Flight builds; however, since going live, the more-specific URLs are not working via URL prefix matching as expected.

Please look into this issue and advise on how to resolve.

Me too
I think this is a bug. The link you included states "Upon launch, the App Clip receives a URL, then extracts path components and query parameters", but the example given only includes path components. Additional query parameters shouldn't be a problem.

Specifically, I think the bug happens when your invocation URL already includes query parameters. Until when or if it's fixed, I would suggest removing the query parameters from your invocation URL or turn them into path components if possible.
@Steepz did you ever get this to work?
Whether it is a bug or not, I know whenever I register my AppClip experiences with the exact url and query params. Not sure if there is a way around this? I wonder if you can specify a wildcard when you create the url or somewhere on your site?
According to the docs, prefix matching should work. That is, if you register an experience to https://example.com it should also be triggered by any https://example.com/* URL.

However, so far I could only trigger an app clip by the *exact* URL match and did not succeed getting prefix matching to work.

Interestingly, once the app clip is locally cached (i.e. I triggered it once with the exact URL), then also prefix matching is working.
URL Prefix Matching Not Working