Can we use the same App to upgrade Safari AppExt to WebExt?

We are migrating Safari AppExtension to WebExtension, currently we have an app on Apple Store, which is AppExtension.

I tried something locally in dev mode, in the AppExtension's extension .plist, we use
Code Block

while in WebExtension's extension .plist, it is required to use
Code Block

I keep all the product bundle identifiers the same, after upgrade from AppExtension to WebExtension, it is actually not upgrading, but there would be two apps showing up in Safari.

So my question is what is the best practice to migrate from AppExtension to WebExtension without creating a new app on store?
Can we directly submit the WebExtension to the current AppExtension app on store?

Thank you very much

Accepted Answer
You can bundle your Web Extension in the same app as your App Extension.

To tell Safari that the Web Extension replaces the App Extension, check out the "Migrate Your Users to Your Safari Web Extension" section of:

Hope this helps!

Can we use the same App to upgrade Safari AppExt to WebExt?