iCloud Drive folder file creation


Ever since I bought the developer account im not able to get straight forward support for this, please help how to get help on api's and working of it from forum..I have just now started to use the forum and started providing comments to other users, but meanwhile how to get help faster as a paid developer account holder ? I at least want to enjoy using apple code to start with. please help.

I want to create a file in icloud folder using filemanager, 
i used the following code,

Code Block let filemanUrl =
FileManager.default.url(forUbiquityContainerIdentifier: nil)?.appendingPathComponent("Documents").appendingPathComponent("String.txt")
do {
     print("about to write")     
try testText.write(to: filemanUrl!, atomically: true, encoding: String.Encoding.utf8)     
print("after write")   
} catch

but it is writing to a folder in 

/Users/<myname>/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/A3A4FF34-0942-4B9A-84F3-F4F6F48D4608/data/Library/Mobile Documents/iCloud~clouddrive/Documents

iCloud Drive folder file creation