App store connect problems saving.

Hello! . I try to save my app data in app store connect but the saving process does not finish ever.

How can I solve that?
Answered by SHPark_ in 657566022
same here. saving overnight. no luck
Accepted Answer
same here. saving overnight. no luck
Good to know that I'm not the only one!

In my case, I found that it only happens when I try to edit the App Review information.
Exactly same!! Only happens when I try to edit my app review info..
Yes, I get the same thing - it only fails to save when updating any of the 6 app review information fields - updating the Notes field works.

I guess they have a problem
It only happens when trying to update the App Review information
Me too - exact same thing.
How am I supposed to submit my app?
it may be a problem about special characters. just look for server's response from chrome developer tools.
It's definitely not special characters. All I am doing is trying to switch the "sign-in required" toggle - no text entered.
If I open the log in Chrome I see the following error...

logLevel: "ERROR"
stackTrace: "status code: 409 --- api correlation key: LAXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXE"

(Where the *** = a number - don't know if I should share it or not!)

Is there anything weird we might have in common? For example, I have two App Store Connect accounts on my apple ID.

This is disappointing!. It's been several days and apple is not able to give an answer ...

Apple how long do we need to wait, before we can submit our apps!!!
OK... it seems to be saving now. The only thing I did differently was to not use auto-fill, and to include my country code on the phone number, starting with a +.

According to this link...
...the 409 error implies improperly formatted data. So I tried to fiddle with the entry a bit and it seems to have worked.

Share if this works for you! :)
I have the same problem.
Can't update App review information
Me too!!! I also tried with two apps and I had the same issue with both apps.

I called Apple, but I haven't solved anything yet
Well ... In my case I did all the steps that Dan T. did and now it's saving! Thanks a lot! You solved the problem before apple. They would have to pay you for it! Haha! Sadly, I can't mark your answer as the solution because apple does not allow me to change the check mark.

Thank you so much !.
Same issue here -_- it's been AGES
App store connect problems saving.