Launch screen storyboards: is there a way to differentiate iPad orientations?

I am using Lauchscreen.storyboard for displaying splashscreen in my iOS application. I have added images in Assets.xcassets->LaunchImage.imageset.
I have set portrait image in the placeholder. However, the image is different when the app is launched in landscape on an iPad.
So is there any way to differentiate between an iPad in portrait and an iPad in landscape when using a an Adaptive storyboard for a launch screen? Because it's a launch screen I can't run any code, it would have to be done completely through the storyboard.
Answered by Claude31 in 655586022
No, there is no way to have a different image depending on orientation at launch.

And that is not really the purpose of launch screen. It is intended to have something on screen, just to show app is launching. But not really done to convey information.
Accepted Answer
No, there is no way to have a different image depending on orientation at launch.

And that is not really the purpose of launch screen. It is intended to have something on screen, just to show app is launching. But not really done to convey information.
Launch screen storyboards: is there a way to differentiate iPad orientations?