Add App Store Connect Users shows 0 of 98 Available

Attempting to invite co-workers to App Store Connect Users. This co-worker has a valid Apple account. We have three assigned users. I am able to send the invite to this co-worker. He accepts the invite, however he is never added as a User.

When viewing the "Add App Store Connect Users" we see some text to the right of the search magnifying glass icon that reads "0 of 98 Available".

Apple support always returns an anemic/unhelpful response to questions like these.

My question is: What does the "98" represent and why do I have "0" left of them? If 98 represents Testers, if I have 3 assigned, where are the other 95? We have never had more than five testers max. Does the act of adding and removing testers reduce the max amount available?

  • I have the same problem and I wonder if this started to happen the moment when one of the internal testers tried using the public link. Have you come to any resolution on this?

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