imessage extension not getting touch events

hi all, trying to create an imessage extension example based upon the Hello World story board that shows up when you create the extension. if i add a button to the hello world story board, and hook up the button to a method, i dont seem to be getting any tap events on that button. i tried also creating a button manually with [UIButton buttonWithType] and adding a target to it...the buttons show up, but they don't take tap events. i used the UI examiner in xcode, and touch events seem to be enabled on all views in the imsg extension view stack. i do see a strange message in the xcode console which i havent seen before:

[PPT] Error creating the CFMessagePort needed to communicate with PPT.

any ideas?

PS: this is on simulator. i tried on device, same behavior. no touch events.
If anyone has this issue, I seem to have found it:
I implemented viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated in the MessagesViewController.m,
but i did not call [super viewDidAppear:animated]. Adding the call to super fixed the missing touch events.
The problem seems unrelated to the CFMessagePort error, because those are still showing in xcode console.
imessage extension not getting touch events