App Clips NFC has been less responsive over the past few weeks

Over the past few weeks, we have noticed a big difference in how well our App Clip App reads NFC tags compared to our Full App.

The full app, which has the scan NFC button like all full apps, reads the NFC chips perfectly 100% of the time.

The App Clip version of the same app has slowly started to be consistent in reading the NFC tags.

Has something affected the App Clip NFC reading in the past few weeks after the iOS Updates?

Can you tell us what we can do to make the NFC reading of the App Clip App as responsive as the NFC reading of the Full version of our App?

Please advise because we want to make App Clip via NFC great, but not getting a consistent NFC read compared to the full NFC app is definitely a problem for consumers adoption.
Could this be creating the delay of NFC background read of the App Clip App?

App Clips NFC has been less responsive over the past few weeks