Apple Store Connect Operation Error

Could not find or load main class. See Below.
I've reviewed all previous Forum info on this and found no solution. I'm using Xcode 12.3. I'm a new developer and thus do not have Xcode 11.6 to fall back on. How can Apple operate like this? I've had Apple Developer Tech support review this and they claim it is an Apple problem, my program is good. Apple tech person also said they don't know how to help me any further. Ugh!

Platform and Version

iMac Pro MacOS Big Sur version 11.0.1

IOS “Any IOS Device (arm64)” only choice given in Xcode

Xcode version 12.3

SwiftUI version 5

Description of Problem and Steps to Reproduce

1) First some background. The App called “Clock-CranePilates” works on all simulators and works wonderfully on my own iPhone Xs. The Xcode Build and Analyze work great with no errors. The Product/archive/Validate App works successfully.

2) The problem is when trying to distribute the App using Xcode Product/archive/Distribute App. This fails with the following message:

App Store Connect Operation Error
Could not find or load main class

Any help on this will be truly appreciated.
Answered by BoatCaptainQ in 653923022
I found a work around for this problem. The work around is to use Apples Transporter App. You can download this APP on you Mac from the App store. Create your ipa file by using the Distribute App in the archive section of Xcode and then use the Export option. This will create a folder wherever you want it located which has the ipa file Transporter needs.

Xcode 12.3 still has a problem, as of Dec. 22, 2020, not letting us upload (Distribute App) directly from Xcode to the App Store Connect.
Accepted Answer
I found a work around for this problem. The work around is to use Apples Transporter App. You can download this APP on you Mac from the App store. Create your ipa file by using the Distribute App in the archive section of Xcode and then use the Export option. This will create a folder wherever you want it located which has the ipa file Transporter needs.

Xcode 12.3 still has a problem, as of Dec. 22, 2020, not letting us upload (Distribute App) directly from Xcode to the App Store Connect.
Apple Store Connect Operation Error