Issues with video feed (getUserMedia)

I have an iPhone 11 Pro Max running iOS14.2 and find that getUserMedia does not work in all scenarios. I set up my video feed as follows:

Code Block const setupCamera = async () => {
if (!navigator.mediaDevices || !navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia) {
throw new Error(
'Browser API navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia not available');
const video = document.getElementById('video');
const stream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({
'audio': false,
'video': {
facingMode: 'environment',
// TODO: Currently set to window.innerWidth and innerHeight elsewhere?
width: undefined,
height: undefined
// console.log(stream);
video.srcObject = stream;
return new Promise((resolve) => {
video.onloadedmetadata = () => {
const loadVideo = async () => {
const video = await setupCamera();;
return video;

My HTML is:

Code Block
<canvas id="videocanvas" width="100%" height="100%">
<video id="video"

I'm using three.js to render a video texture, but also find this problem is demonstrable without this (see the Tensorflow PoseNet demo here

The error displayed in the Javascript console for all of these is:

Code Block
[Error] A MediaStreamTrack ended due to a capture failure
[Error] Unhandled Promise Rejection: Error: The video element has not loaded data yet. Please wait for `loadeddata` event on the <video> element.

However, the BlazeFace demo works (see yet appears to function in exactly the same way as the PoseNet code.

I've tested this on 2 different iPhone 11s and an iPhone 12 mini with the same issues.

All of the above code works on iOS 13.5 on an iPhone X without any issues.

What has changed here between iOS 13.5 and iOS 14?

Dear markstrefford,

I am experiencing a similar issue on iPhone 13 mini.

It appears to me that the video element can only start playing following a user gesture (i.e. a play-button tap).

function playButtonClick(){;

I have also tried to delay the play() function by at least 2 seconds, but that did not work.

Issues with video feed (getUserMedia)