verifyReceipt returns tons of errors 21104 and 21107

Hi, Sometimes I get tons of errors 21104 and 21107 in a row when I try to validate new subscriptions and renew existing subscriptions from our server side by using the endpoint verifyReceipt:

Code Block

The response of this endpoint doesn't give any extra information:

Code Block
"environment": "Production",
"status": 21107,
"is_retryable": true

I noticed that those subscriptions are renewed on the second try after waiting a bit (in a different hour/day).

The documentation only indicates that the status codes 21100-21199 are internal data access errors but it doesn't specify each one:

I understand that it's an error on the Apple side so there is nothing I can do but if someone could give us more information about those errors (21104 and 21107).

I am seeing this as well. Did you ever find the cause?
Me too seeing this issue recently(past 1 week) for few receipts. Is it bug in app store side?
Next time I have to work with app store subscriptions I'll just let the client know it will take 9 months and $200k. Sandbox is broken half the time, and when it does work it returns nonsense results like saying a subscription just purchased is already expired.
As of May 3rd we have suddenly started seeing a lot of 21104 status codes in response to verifyReceipt calls (been like this for the last 20ish hours and still on-going) with no obvious reason why or pattern as to what receipts are causing it. Once a receipt hits this state it seems to be stuck with that code and no amount of retrying seems to help.

No idea what is going on but it's causing us some serious issues.
I have the 21104 issues "There is no information for In-App purchases. Try again later. " But had no issues charging me(of coarse) but did not receive my items...

apple has no knowledge on this and tried to push my back at the app even though it is an apple error...... what the hell....

anyone else figured out how to fix? Because apple doesnt know their own products.
20 hours later and the errors magically stopped just as quickly as they started. Who knows?
I'm just glad whatever it was seems to be at least partially resolved for us for now at least and I can finally get some sleep. zzz

what's the current status of this issue? 😭

For error 21107, make sure you are signed in Sandbox Account. Settings App > App Stoe.

verifyReceipt returns tons of errors 21104 and 21107