Xcode 12.3 Release Simulators Dock Yellow / buggy

Has anyone noticed the 14.3 Simulators have like a yellow tint dock and really weird colors on the app library etc. Something seems off. Im on latest Catalina
same here
Same here
Same here. Big sur 11.1, simulator iPhone11 iOS 14.3
Same issue here on macOS 11.1 and Xcode 12.3. Certain parts of the screen appear yellow in Interface Builder and the simulator.

I was able to work around it by setting File > GPU Selection > Prefer Integrated GPU in the Simulator, then restarting Xcode.
Same here!
Same her
Same here, Catalina on MacBook Pro 2017. I noticed that when you run a second simulator, that second simulator does not have that problem.
I'm having this same issue on Xcode 12.3 and Big Sur 11.1.

Simplest work around I found for MacBook Pro:

Quit Xcode and simulator
Unplug power cable
Restart Xcode and simulator
Check storyboard or simulator to confirm yellow tint is gone
Reconnect in power cable

This seems to work as long as Xcode remains open.

TLDR: make sure power cable is disconnected from MacBook before starting Xcode. Once started, power can be connected without issue.
I faced the same issue as well. Fixed it by making the simulator use the Integrated GPU by default from File-> GPU Selection -> Prefer Integrated GPU and restarting both XCode and the Simulator.
I had this same issue, for what it is worth I was able to “fix” it by deleting the derived data and restarting Xcode. The yellow tint even showed up in the storyboard preview of view controllers.
The solution posted by TripleMonkey worked for me. No need to delete derived data or change the GPU selection. Thanks!
The TripMonkey solution is the same as changing GPU selection. If you start the simulator without power cable, the system use integrated GPU (witch is OK) instead of Discrete GPU (yellow problem). So, is is easier to change GPU Selection ;)
Why Apple take very long time to fix such this thing?
They say to have corrected in Xcode 12.4

Xcode 12.4 RC Release Notes
Simulator Resolved Issues
iOS simulated devices no longer display an incorrect yellow tint in translucent UI elements. Certain GPUs may continue to display the tint with some tvOS simulators. (71203015)

Xcode 12.3 Release Simulators Dock Yellow / buggy