Xcode 12.3 Release Simulators Dock Yellow / buggy

Has anyone noticed the 14.3 Simulators have like a yellow tint dock and really weird colors on the app library etc. Something seems off. Im on latest Catalina
Yes same here, latest Catalina
ive submitted a feedback, it might be good to also submit one, maybe we can get a fix in xcode 12.3.1, i installed the iOS 14.2 simulators and they look just fine.
same error...., macOS Big Sur
The same for me... came up tonight with the new Xcode-Version
All my navigation bars for my Apps are bright yellow as well, both in simulator and Storyboard. I'm going back to 12.2
same here 12.3, Big sur 11.0.1
Yes, the same here ;-(
I've found this solution and it really did worked for me:

Are you using a MacBook Pro? I was happened the same bug.
Solved in the following ways.
Step1: Unplug all cables, including the charging cable
Step2: Restart the iOS simulator


Maybe it will help you guys too...
Same here. macOS Big Sur, iOS 14.3
Annoyingly, same bug here on 2015 iMac 5k running Big Sur 11.1
same here
Disabling discrete GPU use in Simulator seems to be a workaround. From the Simulator app menu, choose:

File → GPU Selection → Prefer Integrated GPU

Restart the Simulator app if needed. There is no need to unplug the cables etc. By default, the "Automatic" option is selected, and it seems that when you start the Simulator app without being plugged into the power source, an integrated GPU is used. This is probably why the cable unplugging and plugging again is working for some people.

I noticed that the yellow tint glitch only appears when a discrete GPU is used. Forcing the Simulator app to prefer an integrated GPU solves the issue for me.

Unfortunately, when integrated GPU is used, even basic UI animations are miserably slow in the simulator.
I have Xcode 12.3 on MacOS Catalina 10.15.7 on an iMac.
I rebooted the Mac after installing Xcode and updated the project to the new settings proposed by Xcode.
All tests on iPhone 12 Pro Max simulator iOS 14.3.

I do no not experience the exact same problems, but some others:
  • In a TabBarController, the tabBar has turned yellow (color of a view that covers the whole screen)

=> As TabBar is translucent that may be a normal behaviour, but different from Xcode 12.2 / iOS 14.2
  • In a view, I have an alert. The top left and right corners are now fuzzy: on about 30 pixels wide and 80 pixels high (but not uniformly on this whole rectangle), we don't see the alert background but the view that is behind; just as if those parts had ben snacked by some rodent…

=> I file a bug report : Dec 15, 2020 at 6:01 PM – FB8941139
  • When I delete the app from the iPhone, the top button "Edit home screen" is no more lisible (text black on black or transparent on black)

=> I file a bug report : Dec 15, 2020 at 6:10 PM – FB8941145

I tried the Prefer Integrated GPU option: no change.

As a conclusion, I will stay with Xcode 12.2. for the time being.

Same problem, tried restart, use integrated video card...nothing..
I think it has something to do with UIVisualEffectView and UIBlurEffect because when I've used this in the previews they all appear yellow.
File → GPU Selection → Prefer Integrated GPU as suggest by Darrarski it's a valid workaround
Same problem and File → GPU Selection → Prefer Integrated GPU didn't work for me.
Same problem.
File → GPU Selection → Prefer Integrated GPU (and simulator restart) does not work for me.
I'm on Catalina, iMac 2017.
Before switching to the integrated GPU you might need to check if your system even has one, for all mac pro's and most iMacs this is not a valid workaround as these machines just come with discrete GPUs.
So if you run Xcode 12.3 on these machines you are required to use the iOS 14.2 Simulators, which work as expected.

Ticket filed: FB8942599
The same issues for me, iMac 2017 4k, Big Sur 11.1, Xcode 12.3
some Dev at Apple must have left a debug flag to true and all those nav bar, tab bar and other are yellow now also in the storyboard...
same problem
Ditto. I suspect Xcode 12.3.1 will fix this. In the meantime,
  • Change the simulator settings to use the integrated GPU (not ideal because simulator performance will suffer)

  • Install and use the iOS 14.2 simulator

Same for me, these who make xcode have become very careless in these two years.
Same bug here.
Xcode 12.3 Release Simulators Dock Yellow / buggy