Sign In With Apple Not Working on Simulator for Anyone on iOS 14

As the title suggests, sign in with apple is not working on iOS14 on the Simulator. It hangs when you enter the password. Many, many people are having this issue and it has not been addressed for months:

Please let me know if you can solve this issue, or point me to someone who can.
I had this issue yesterday. My application rejected because they couldn't sign in with apple on iPad with iOS 14.1.

All simulators have 14.3 on my Mac, and I have the spinning icon signing in with my Apple ID on all simulators with iOS 14.*.

All simulators with iOS 13.2 work just fine for apple sign in with the application.
My real device with 14.2 works as well as all testers using iOS 14.1 and 14.2 on their devices including iPad devices.

I am using Xcode Version 12.3 (12C33).

same issue .

Still this issue... @apple where are you?

Sign In With Apple Not Working on Simulator for Anyone on iOS 14