App Not Available in country or region. But all regions selected.

I submitted an app a couple months ago and had all countries and regions selected. The app has been in use and several people have installed it.

My company is currently running a focus group to get some feedback on the app. One of the focus group testers is unable to install the app because the App Store claims:

"The app is currently not available in your country or region"

But how can that be if I have all regions selected? What's worse is the person is located in Canada which is where I am located as well. Other people in the focus group, in Canada, were able to install the app just fine.

User is on iOS 14.2 and is unable to install on either the phone or iPad.

Has anyone encountered this before? Any ideas?
Answered by tylerfromnull in 648936022

So the customer had spelled the app name wrong. Sorry to have wasted everyone's time.
Accepted Answer

So the customer had spelled the app name wrong. Sorry to have wasted everyone's time.
App Not Available in country or region. But all regions selected.